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Article summary:

1. IFRS 15 had varying impacts on revenue recognition practices of firms in Australia and New Zealand, with the modified retrospective method being more commonly used than the full retrospective method.

2. The majority of sample firms reported no or minimal impact on their financial statements, but impacts varied by sector and firm size. Revenue was the most affected item for firms that disclosed IFRS 15 impacts.

3. While standard retail sales transactions were not affected, the standard resulted in deferred revenue recognition for many firms and impacted financial statements through multiple channels.

Article analysis:


首先,该文章没有探讨可能存在的风险或负面影响。例如,IFRS 15可能导致某些企业在短期内出现收入下降的情况,因为它要求将一部分收入推迟到未来。此外,该文章没有平等地呈现双方观点,只关注了企业如何适应新标准,并没有考虑投资者或其他利益相关者对这种变化的看法。



最后,该文章缺乏对反驳观点的探讨。例如,有人可能会认为IFRS 15对某些企业的影响更大,或者它可能导致某些企业采取不当行为来规避其要求。这些反驳观点应该被探讨和解决。

综上所述,虽然该文章提供了一些关于IFRS 15如何影响企业收入确认实践的证据,但它存在一些偏见和不足之处。未来的研究应该更加全面地考虑各种因素,并探索可能存在的风险和负面影响。