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Source: zhihu.com
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Article summary:

1. Python has a few tricks and games that can be used to create interesting results.

2. It is important to consider the cost of labor when making decisions about purchases, as it often makes up the majority of the cost.

3. ChatGPT is an AI-based quantum computer that can solve complex problems and has become popular in a short amount of time.

Article analysis:

The article provides some interesting information about Python programming, cost considerations for purchases, and ChatGPT, an AI-based quantum computer. However, there are several potential issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of this article.

First, the article does not provide any sources or evidence to back up its claims about Python programming tricks or ChatGPT’s capabilities. This lack of evidence makes it difficult to assess the accuracy of these claims and could lead readers to believe false information. Additionally, while the article mentions cost considerations for purchases, it does not provide any specific examples or data to support its claims about labor costs making up a majority of purchase costs.

Second, the article does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on its topics. For example, while it mentions that labor costs make up a majority of purchase costs in certain situations, it does not discuss other factors such as material costs that may also play a role in determining total purchase costs. Additionally, while it discusses ChatGPT’s capabilities, it does not mention any potential risks associated with using this technology or how it might be misused by malicious actors.

Finally, the article appears to be promotional in nature due to its focus on ChatGPT’s capabilities without exploring any potential drawbacks or risks associated with using this technology. This one-sided reporting could lead readers to overestimate ChatGPT’s usefulness without considering potential downsides or risks associated with using this technology.

In conclusion, while this article provides some interesting information about Python programming tricks and ChatGPT’s capabilities, there are several issues with its trustworthiness and reliability due to its lack of evidence for its claims and one-sided reporting on ChatGPT without exploring potential drawbacks or risks associated with using this technology.