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Article summary:

1. Joachim Skahjem, a climate activist, suggested the use of violence in the fight against climate change during an episode of NRK's "Debatten".

2. His comments sparked strong reactions from other participants in the show and on social media.

3. Frederic Hauge, founder of Bellona, strongly condemned Skahjem's views and argued that violence is not an acceptable form of protest in the fight against climate change.

Article analysis:

The article “Sterke reaksjoner etter på NRK -” is a news report about a debate on climate change that aired on Norwegian television station NRK. The article focuses on one particular participant in the debate, Joachim Skahjem, who suggested that violence may be necessary to fight climate change. The article provides quotes both Skahjem and participant the debate, Frederic Hauge, who strongly condemned Skahjem’s views.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as accurately reports what was said during the debate and provides direct quotes from both participants. However, it does not provide any context or further information about either participant or their views on climate change beyond what was said during the debate. This could lead to readers forming biased opinions based solely on what was said during the debate without considering other perspectives or evidence for their claims. Additionally, while Hauge’s views are presented in detail, there is no mention of any potential counterarguments to his position or any risks associated with using violence as a form of protest against climate change. This could lead readers to believe that Hauge’s position is universally accepted without considering other points of view or potential risks associated with his stance.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its accurate reporting of what was said during the debate between Skahjem and Hauge, it does not provide enough or explore alternative perspectives which could lead readers to form biased opinions based solely on was said during the debate without other evidence or points of view.