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Article summary:

1. The Florida Board of Education has approved a rule that prohibits classroom discussion on sexual orientation and gender identity for all grades unless it is required by state curriculum standards.

2. The rule builds on the Parental Rights in Education Act passed last year, which was dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill by detractors.

3. The move is part of Governor Ron DeSantis' conservative education agenda ahead of his expected 2024 presidential campaign, and has been denounced by LGBT advocacy organization Equality Florida as an assault on freedom and an example of government censorship.

Article analysis:

The article reports on the Florida Board of Education's approval of a new rule that prohibits classroom discussion on sexual orientation and gender identity for all grades unless it is required by state curriculum standards. The article notes that this new rule builds on the Parental Rights in Education Act passed last year, which was criticized as the "Don't Say Gay" bill. The article also highlights the efforts of Governor Ron DeSantis to push a conservative education agenda ahead of his expected 2024 presidential campaign.

The article presents quotes from both sides of the issue, with a spokesperson for the Florida Department of Education stating that the rule "reaffirms Florida’s commitment to uphold parental rights and keep indoctrination out of our schools," while an LGBT advocacy organization denounces it as an example of government censorship.

However, the article does not provide much context or analysis beyond these quotes. It does not explore potential counterarguments or present evidence for either side's claims. Additionally, it does not note any potential risks or negative consequences that could arise from banning classroom discussion on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Overall, the article appears to be relatively balanced in presenting both sides' perspectives but lacks depth and analysis beyond surface-level quotes.