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Article summary:

1. Superstition is a problem that affects both common and educated people, and Islam has dealt with it severely.

2. Superstitions are not limited to Iranian and Asian societies; they are also abundant in the West and Europe.

3. The book "Psychology of Superstitions" by Voltaire discusses the illogical nature of superstitions and how they can lead to false connections between unrelated events.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the issue of superstition and its prevalence in both Eastern and Western societies. While it provides some examples of superstitious beliefs, such as the belief in unlucky numbers or breaking eggs to ward off evil eye, it fails to provide any evidence or research to support its claims about the prevalence of superstitions in different societies.

Moreover, the article seems to have a bias towards Islamic culture and religion, as it repeatedly mentions Islam's stance on superstitions and how the Prophet Muhammad fought against them. This bias is evident in the author's choice of sources, which are mostly Islamic scholars and writers.

Additionally, the article lacks balance in its reporting, as it only presents one side of the argument against superstitions. It does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on why people turn to superstitions.

Furthermore, the article contains some promotional content for certain books and authors, such as Voltaire's "Psychology of Superstitions" and Dr. Ali Javad's "Arabs before Islam." This promotional content detracts from the credibility of the article and suggests that it may be more interested in promoting certain ideas than providing objective analysis.

Overall, while the article raises an important issue about superstition and its impact on society, it falls short in providing a balanced and evidence-based analysis. Its biases towards Islamic culture and promotion of certain books undermine its credibility as a reliable source of information.