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Article summary:

1. Eye Gaze Tracking (EGT) systems are affordable and user-friendly, making them a good choice for bio-signal conveying media in Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems.

2. EGT has been used in various applications such as diagnostics, authentication, therapy, cursor control, typing, robotics, interactive software, driving assistance, cell phone operation, hybrid interfaces, and more.

3. EGT technology offers better accuracy and faster HMI systems, making it an important tool in engineering rehabilitation. The design of EGT systems should consider factors such as cost, speed, mobility, and user comfort.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Review of Eye Gaze Tracking Application" provides an overview of the various applications and benefits of eye gaze tracking systems. While the article presents a comprehensive review of different approaches and their potential uses, there are several aspects that need to be critically analyzed.

Firstly, the article lacks a clear introduction and background information on eye gaze tracking technology. It does not provide any information on the history or development of this technology, which would have been useful for readers who are unfamiliar with the topic.

Additionally, the article does not provide any evidence or references to support its claims about the affordability and user-friendliness of eye gaze tracking systems. It simply states these as facts without providing any data or research to back them up. This lack of evidence raises questions about the reliability and accuracy of the information presented in the article.

Furthermore, the article focuses primarily on the potential benefits and applications of eye gaze tracking systems, but it fails to address any potential risks or limitations associated with this technology. For example, there is no discussion on privacy concerns related to eye tracking data or potential issues with accuracy and reliability of eye tracking systems.

The article also appears to have a promotional tone, as it mentions specific products and companies without providing a balanced view or considering alternative options. This suggests a potential bias towards promoting certain products or technologies.

Moreover, there is limited discussion on alternative technologies or approaches that can achieve similar outcomes as eye gaze tracking systems. This one-sided reporting limits the reader's understanding of other possible solutions and their advantages/disadvantages compared to eye gaze tracking.

Overall, while the article provides an overview of different applications of eye gaze tracking systems, it lacks critical analysis, supporting evidence, consideration of counterarguments, and a balanced perspective. The promotional tone and lack of comprehensive information raise concerns about its objectivity and reliability as a source of information on this topic.