1. The concept of production systems is developed to understand and compare success stories of regional development and their developmental tendencies.
2. The production system has an input-output structure, a structure of governance, and territoriality.
3. Different types of production systems exist, including agglomerated networks with small- and medium-sized production units, dispersed networks with no large units, and large firms with spatial division of labor. Governance structures vary within these systems.
The article "Flexibility, hierarchy and regional development: The changing structure of industrial production systems and their forms of governance in the 1990s" by Michael Storper and Bennett Harrison provides a framework for understanding and comparing successful cases of regional development. The authors develop the concept of a production system, which includes an input-output structure, a governance structure, and territoriality. They argue that case studies of successful regions have yielded critical insights into the many paths to industrialization, the role of territorial agglomeration, the importance of social practices and institutions, non-price competition, and dynamic adaptiveness.
The article provides a useful framework for understanding different types of production systems and their governance structures. However, there are some potential biases in the article. For example, the authors focus primarily on successful cases of regional development and do not explore cases where these frameworks may not apply or may lead to negative outcomes. Additionally, they do not provide evidence for some of their claims about the importance of social practices and institutions or dynamic adaptiveness.
Furthermore, while the authors acknowledge that there is no one-to-one correspondence between different kinds of networks and governance structures or size of units and governance, they still rely heavily on these categories to classify different types of production systems. This could lead to oversimplification or misclassification.
Overall, while the article provides a useful framework for understanding successful cases of regional development, it would benefit from more exploration of potential limitations or negative outcomes associated with these frameworks. Additionally, more evidence could be provided to support some of the claims made in the article.