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Article summary:

1. Self-attention is a powerful technique used in semantic image segmentation to capture long-distance dependencies. Existing methods mainly focus on spatial attention and channel attention, but little research has been done on self-attention along other dimensions.

2. This study investigates self-attentions along all possible dimensions (H, W, C, HW, HC, CW, HWC) and explores the aggregation of these self-attentions. The authors propose a neural architecture search (NAS) technique to find the optimal aggregation strategy.

3. The authors design a building block called the basic self-attention search unit (BSU) that models self-attentions along all dimensions. They also introduce an attention-map splitting method to reduce computations and apply an efficient differentiable optimization method for searching the optimal aggregation.

Overall, this study aims to improve semantic image segmentation performance by exploring self-attentions along various dimensions and finding the best way to aggregate them using NAS.

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