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Article summary:

1. Foxtel plans to double its investment in Australian programming by 2018, with a focus on scripted, factual, lifestyle, and entertainment shows.

2. The company will increase its drama slate to at least five major series per year and invest more in comedy programming.

3. Foxtel will also commission more premium entertainment and documentary series, with the budget for factual programming tripling.

Article analysis:

The article discusses Foxtel's commitment to increasing its investment in Australian content. It states that Foxtel plans to double its investment in new Australian scripted, factual, lifestyle, and entertainment programming by 2018. The article also mentions that Foxtel will increase its drama slate to at least five major series each year and commission new premium entertainment and documentary series.

One potential bias in the article is the lack of discussion about the quality of the Australian content produced by Foxtel. While it mentions that Foxtel programs have been acknowledged for their entertainment value and quality, it does not provide any evidence or examples to support this claim. Without this evidence, readers are left to take this statement at face value.

Another potential bias is the focus on promoting Foxtel's investment in local content without discussing any potential risks or drawbacks. The article only presents positive aspects of Foxtel's commitment to Australian programming, such as the increase in investment and the addition of new series. It does not explore any potential challenges or criticisms that may arise from this increased investment.

Additionally, the article lacks a balanced perspective by not presenting both sides of the argument. It only provides information from Foxtel's Chief Executive Richard Freudenstein, who expresses enthusiasm for the increased investment in local commissions. There are no quotes or perspectives from critics or industry experts who may have differing opinions on Foxtel's commitment to Australian content.

Furthermore, there is a lack of evidence provided for some of the claims made in the article. For example, it states that Foxtel already produces a strong slate of original series each year but does not provide any data or ratings to support this claim. Without this evidence, readers are left to question the validity of these statements.

Overall, while the article provides information about Foxtel's commitment to Australian content, it lacks critical analysis and balanced reporting. It promotes Foxtel's investment without exploring potential risks or criticisms and does not provide sufficient evidence for some of the claims made.