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Self-Mastery Scale » Psychology Roots
Source: psychologyroots.com
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Article summary:

1. Self-Mastery Scale is a psychometric tool used to assess an individual's sense of personal mastery over life outcomes.

2. The scale consists of seven items that measure the extent to which a person feels in control of their future and whether they feel pushed around in life.

3. The scale has been widely used and has established psychometric properties, with a Cronbach's alpha of .75 in the present sample.

Article analysis:




此外,文章还存在一些宣传内容和偏袒倾向。例如,在文章结尾处强调了访问Psychology Roots网站并保持访问频率,给人一种宣传该网站的感觉。同时,文章中也没有平等地呈现双方观点或考虑到可能存在的风险。
