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Article summary:

1. Three siblings are co-owners of a house in Florida that was left to them by their mother.

2. Their brother is living in the house and has no plans to move, but the siblings want him out so they can split the proceeds from selling it.

3. The article provides advice on how to handle the situation legally, including seeking a mediator before going to court and paying for taxes and upkeep from their mother's estate.

Article analysis:

The article ‘He claims it's his home’:My mother left her Florida house to all of her children.Our brother lives there — and has no plans to move. How do we get him out? - MarketWatch is written by Quentin Fottrell, a financial journalist with MarketWatch, and provides advice on how three siblings can legally remove their brother from a family home that was left to them by their mother. The article is generally reliable as it provides legal advice based on state laws and suggests seeking professional help if needed. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted.

First, the article does not explore any counterarguments or other possible solutions besides legal action such as negotiation or mediation between the siblings themselves without involving lawyers or courts. This could lead readers to believe that legal action is the only way forward when this may not be true in all cases. Additionally, while Fottrell does mention potential risks associated with taking legal action such as ending relationships with family members or making it difficult to sell the property, he does not provide any evidence for these claims nor does he explore them further which could lead readers to underestimate these risks.

Finally, while Fottrell does provide some general information about trespassing and possession laws in Florida, he does not go into detail about what those laws entail which could lead readers to misunderstand their rights under those laws or make decisions based on incomplete information. In conclusion, while this article provides generally reliable advice on how three siblings can legally remove their brother from a family home that was left to them by their mother, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted before relying solely on this article for guidance in this situation.