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Article summary:

1. The article introduces a new dataset of intra-multilingual multi-target stance classification from an online European participatory democracy platform.

2. The dataset contains 4.2k proposals and 20k comments focused on various topics, with more than 40% of the proposal/comment pairs containing at least two languages.

3. A portion of the data (more than 7k comment/proposal pairs, in 26 languages) was annotated by the writers with a self-tag assessing whether they are in favor or against the proposal, while another part of the data (without self-tag) has been manually annotated: 1206 comments in 6 morphologically different languages were tagged.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed description of a new dataset for intra-multilingual multi-target stance classification from an online European participatory democracy platform. The authors provide evidence that the dataset is reliable and trustworthy by providing information about the number of proposals and comments included in it, as well as details about how it was annotated. However, there is no mention of any potential biases or sources of bias that could affect the accuracy of the results obtained from this dataset. Additionally, there is no discussion about possible risks associated with using this dataset or any counterarguments to its use that should be considered before relying on its results. Furthermore, there is no indication that both sides have been presented equally when discussing the potential uses for this dataset or any other related topics. Therefore, while this article provides useful information about a new dataset for intra-multilingual multi-target stance classification, further research should be conducted to ensure its trustworthiness and reliability before relying on its results.