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Article summary:

1. This study evaluated the adjunct effect of long-term and home-based music therapy (MT) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients under pharmacological treatment.

2. The MT interventions were Mozart’s Sonata (KV 448) and Pachelbel’s Canon, listening with headphones for 30 minutes daily in the morning and before sleep, respectively.

3. Although there were no apparent additional benefits of this MT on the global cognition and daily functioning in mild AD patients, it confirms the adjunct cognition effect on the abstraction.

Article analysis:

The article “Adjunct Effect of Music Therapy on Cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease in Taiwan: A Pilot Study” is a well-written and comprehensive review of a pilot study conducted to evaluate the effects of music therapy on cognition in Alzheimer’s disease patients in Taiwan. The authors provide a detailed description of their methods, results, and conclusions, as well as an extensive discussion of their findings. The article is written from an objective point of view and does not appear to be biased or promotional in any way.

The authors provide evidence to support their claims by citing relevant research studies throughout the article. They also discuss potential limitations to their study such as small sample size, lack of control group, and short duration of intervention which could have affected their results. Additionally, they acknowledge that further research is needed to confirm their findings before any definitive conclusions can be made about the efficacy of music therapy for treating cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.

In conclusion, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of the topic at hand and its objective approach towards presenting both sides equally without bias or promotion.