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Article summary:

1. The Biden administration has released a 12-page summary of the results of the "hotwash" of U.S. policies around the ending of the nation's longest war, blaming former President Donald Trump for the deadly and chaotic 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

2. The report acknowledges that the evacuation of Americans and allies from Afghanistan should have started sooner but blames the delays on the Afghan government and military, and on U.S. military and intelligence community assessments.

3. Republicans in Congress have sharply criticized the Afghanistan withdrawal, focusing on the deaths of 13 service members in a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport, which also killed more than 100 Afghans.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Biden review of chaotic Afghan withdrawal blames Trump" by the Associated Press provides a summary of the White House's 12-page report on the U.S. policies around ending the war in Afghanistan. The report lays blame on former President Donald Trump for creating conditions that severely constrained President Joe Biden's choices for executing a withdrawal from Afghanistan. The article notes that the report acknowledges mistakes made during the evacuation of Americans and allies from Afghanistan, but places blame on the Afghan government and military, as well as overly optimistic intelligence community assessments.

The article presents both sides of the argument, with quotes from both Biden and Trump. However, it is important to note that there are potential biases in this article. For example, while the article notes that Republicans in Congress have sharply criticized the Afghanistan withdrawal, it does not provide any quotes or perspectives from Democrats who may support Biden's actions.

Additionally, while the article mentions that Biden has blamed Trump's agreement with the Taliban for boxing the U.S. into leaving Afghanistan, it does not explore counterarguments or provide evidence to support this claim. It also does not mention potential risks associated with blaming a previous administration for current issues.

Overall, while this article provides a brief summary of the White House report and includes quotes from both sides of the argument, it could benefit from exploring counterarguments and providing more context to support its claims.