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Article summary:

1. The US military has secured access to bases in Papua New Guinea, including the Lombrum naval base on Manus Island and facilities in Port Moresby.

2. The security pact allows the US to station troops and vessels at six key ports and airports, with "unimpeded access" to pre-position equipment, supplies, and materiel.

3. The agreement is part of Washington's efforts to outflank China in the Pacific, as Chinese firms have been acquiring mines and ports across the region and signed a secretive security pact with nearby Solomon Islands last year.

Article analysis:

The article titled "US military will have ‘unimpeded’ access to Papua New Guinea bases under new security deal" by The Guardian reports on a security pact between the US and Papua New Guinea (PNG) that allows the US military to develop and operate out of bases in PNG. The article highlights that this agreement is part of Washington's efforts to outflank China in the Pacific, and it opens the door for the US to establish a new military footprint in the western Pacific.

While the article provides some details about the agreement, it lacks depth and analysis. It does not explore counterarguments or provide evidence for some of its claims. For example, it states that Washington would have "unimpeded access" to six key ports and airports in PNG, but it does not explain how this could impact PNG's sovereignty or whether there are any risks associated with such an arrangement.

Moreover, the article seems to be one-sided as it only presents concerns raised by opponents of the deal without exploring potential benefits or reasons why PNG agreed to it. It quotes former prime minister Peter O'Neill saying that the agreement painted a target on PNG's back but does not provide any context or explanation for his statement.

The article also includes promotional content for US interests in the Pacific without providing a balanced view. For instance, it mentions that Chinese firms have snapped up mines and ports across the Pacific but fails to mention any positive contributions made by China in these countries.

Overall, while The Guardian's article provides some information about the security pact between the US and PNG, it lacks depth and analysis. It presents a one-sided view without exploring counterarguments or providing evidence for some of its claims.