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Article summary:

1. Total quality management (TQM) is important in the construction process: The article highlights the potential for quality improvement in the construction industry and emphasizes the importance of management commitment to quality and continuous improvement. TQM concepts, which have been successfully applied in the manufacturing industry, are also applicable to construction.

2. Factors contributing to high process quality: The article identifies several factors that contribute to high process quality in construction. These include the importance of quality training for construction professionals, partnering agreements among parties involved in the construction process, feedback loops to upgrade quality standards, and clear project scope and requirements.

3. Definition of quality and its implications: The article discusses different definitions of quality in the context of construction, including meeting legal, aesthetic, and functional requirements. It also highlights the distinction between "quality in fact" (meeting specifications) and "quality in perception" (meeting customer expectations). Additionally, it distinguishes between "product quality" (related to physical elements) and "process quality" (related to project organization and management).

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