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Article summary:

1. Vincent McGee, a 37-year-old State College man, was bound over for trial yesterday on charges of shooting and killing his 33-year-old wife, Amy.

2. McGee has a history of alcohol abuse and domestic violence, and his defense contends the shooting was accidental.

3. Witnesses testified that McGee claimed he accidentally discharged his firearm while shifting it from one side of his belt to the other.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of the facts surrounding the case, as it provides testimony from multiple witnesses and police officers who were present at the scene. The article also includes a tape recording of the 911 call made by Vincent McGee after the shooting, which provides further evidence for his claim that it was an accident. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, there is no mention of any counterarguments or alternative explanations for what happened; instead, all of the focus is on McGee's version of events. Additionally, there is no exploration into possible risks associated with owning firearms or any discussion about gun control laws in Pennsylvania. Finally, while Diana Homan's testimony about McGee's drinking problem is included in the article, there is no mention of any attempts to seek help or treatment for this issue prior to the incident occurring.