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Article summary:

1. Data journalism has the potential to empower marginalized communities by shedding light on injustice, inequality, and discrimination.

2. Examples from countries like Kenya, Afghanistan, and Pakistan demonstrate how data journalism can influence policy, mobilize citizens, and bring about positive change.

3. Data-driven reporting can address issues such as hunger, access to justice, and quality education for marginalized communities.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Data Journalism By, About and For Marginalised Communities" discusses the role of data journalism in empowering marginalized communities to combat injustice, inequality, and discrimination. While the article highlights some important examples of data journalism projects in various countries, it also exhibits potential biases and shortcomings.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on countries where things are considered to be going badly. By primarily discussing data journalism in impoverished, uneducated, and unsafe parts of the world, the article may create a perception that these issues are only prevalent in developing countries. This narrow focus overlooks similar problems that exist in developed nations and fails to provide a comprehensive view of marginalized communities globally.

Furthermore, the article presents anecdotal evidence without providing broader context or statistical analysis. While the examples given are compelling, they do not represent a comprehensive analysis of data journalism's impact on marginalized communities. The lack of supporting evidence weakens the claims made about the effectiveness of data journalism as a means of empowerment.

Additionally, the article does not explore potential risks or limitations associated with data journalism. It portrays data journalism as an unequivocal force for positive change without acknowledging any potential negative consequences or challenges. This one-sided perspective undermines the credibility of the article and fails to provide a balanced analysis.

Moreover, there is a lack of exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. The article presents data journalism as an unquestionably effective tool for influencing policy and mobilizing citizens without considering any potential criticisms or limitations. This omission limits the depth and nuance of the analysis presented.

Finally, there is a promotional tone throughout the article that suggests an agenda to advocate for data journalism as a solution to societal problems. While data journalism can certainly play a valuable role in addressing injustices and inequalities, it is important to approach such discussions with critical thinking and consider multiple perspectives.

In conclusion, while the article highlights some important examples of data journalism projects aimed at empowering marginalized communities, it exhibits potential biases, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, and a lack of critical analysis. A more comprehensive and balanced approach would have provided a more nuanced understanding of the role and limitations of data journalism in addressing societal issues.