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Article summary:

1. A new report from the Commons Committee recommends that the federal government launch a public awareness campaign to explain the policy of “extreme voluntary intoxication” which was quickly passed earlier this year.

2. The law defines “extreme voluntary intoxication” as an intoxication that renders a person unable to control themselves or be aware of their actions.

3. The report emphasizes the need for people to understand the new law, particularly in cases of sexual assault, and calls on the government to collect data on how often extreme intoxication is used as a defense in court.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of the recent changes made to Canada's criminal code regarding "extreme voluntary intoxication" and its implications for cases of sexual assault and impaired driving. The article is generally reliable, providing accurate information about the new law and its purpose, as well as quotes from relevant sources such as Jennifer Dunn from London's Refuge for Women Against Violence. However, there are some potential biases present in the article that should be noted.

First, while it does provide some insight into why this change was necessary (in response to a Supreme Court decision), it does not explore any counterarguments or other points of view on this issue. It also fails to mention any potential risks associated with this change in legislation, such as whether it could lead to more lenient sentences for perpetrators of sexual assault or impaired driving offences. Additionally, while it does provide some statistics about how few sexual assaults are reported to police, it does not provide any evidence or further context for these numbers.

In conclusion, while this article provides an accurate overview of the new law and its implications, it could benefit from exploring other perspectives on this issue and providing more evidence for its claims.