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Article summary:

1. Judge Robert McBurney, who oversaw the special grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump and his allies in Georgia, has said that jurors are free to discuss the final report.

2. The contents of the report remain under seal, but McBurney noted that special grand jurors are not prevented from discussing their work product.

3. Trump's attorneys have criticized the process, claiming it was not an analytical or credible investigation.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a balanced view of the situation by presenting both sides of the story - Judge Robert McBurney's statements and those of Trump's attorneys. It also includes quotes from both parties which adds credibility to the article. However, there are some potential biases in the article as it does not explore counterarguments or present any evidence for claims made by either side. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with discussing deliberations or any other potential implications of doing so. Furthermore, while both sides are presented equally in terms of space given to each opinion, there is a lack of exploration into why Trump's attorneys may be critical of the process and what evidence they have to back up their claims. This could lead to readers forming an incomplete picture of the situation without being aware of all relevant information.