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Article summary:

1. The SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was modified to better represent the characteristics of paddy rice irrigation systems.

2. A method was proposed to calculate the amounts of return flows and the reused amount based on the output of the model.

3. The reuse rate of return flow increased with the increase of spatial scale, but reached an upper limit at a scale of 3500 ha.

Article analysis:

The article “Reuse of Return Flows and its Scale Effect in Irrigation Systems Based on Modified SWAT Model” is a reliable source that provides an in-depth analysis of how return flows can be reused in irrigation systems and how this affects their efficiency. The authors have used a modified version of the SWAT model to simulate hydrological processes in a paddy rice irrigation system, as well as proposing a method to calculate the amounts of return flows and their reuse amount based on the output from this model. Furthermore, two indicators were employed to analyze the spatial scale effect of reuse of return flow, which showed that with increasing spatial scale, both indicators increased until they reached an upper limit at a scale of 3500 ha.

The article is written in an objective manner without any bias or promotional content, presenting both sides equally and exploring counterarguments where necessary. It is also clear that potential risks are noted throughout, such as noting that different methods may be needed for different scales due to varying complexities within each system. The authors have also provided evidence for their claims by citing relevant research papers throughout, making it clear that they have done extensive research into this topic before writing this article.

In terms of trustworthiness and reliability, there are no major issues with this article as it is well-researched and presented objectively without any bias or unsupported claims. However, one point that could be improved upon is providing more detail about how exactly the SWAT model was modified for use in paddy rice irrigation systems – while some information is provided about what changes were made, more detail would help readers understand why these changes were necessary and how they affect the results obtained from using this model.