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Article summary:

1. The paper discusses the use of EEG sensor space dynamical connectivity analysis and its potential issues.

2. It suggests that the results of simulation II in reference (Van de Steen et al, 2016) do not prove the correctness of approach based on projection of signals to scalp.

3. Recent papers (Brunner et al, 2016; Van de Steen et al, 2016) point out that DTF based on scalp measurement is not free of volume conduction effect as claimed in Kaminski and Blinowska (2014).

Article analysis:

The article provides a critical review of EEG sensor space dynamical connectivity analysis and its potential issues. The author mentions that the results of Simulation II in reference (Van de Steen et al, 2016) do not prove the correctness of approach based on projection of signals to scalp. This could be seen as a limitation since it does not provide sufficient evidence for the claims made in the paper. Additionally, recent papers (Brunner et al, 2016; Van de Steen et al, 2016) point out that DTF based on scalp measurement is not free of volume conduction effect as claimed in Kaminski and Blinowska (2014). However, this claim is not supported by any evidence or data which could be used to back up this statement. Furthermore, there are no counterarguments presented in the paper which could provide an alternative perspective on this issue. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with using EEG sensor space dynamical connectivity analysis which should have been noted for readers to consider before making any decisions about using this method. Finally, it appears that the article may be biased towards one side as it does not present both sides equally or explore other perspectives which could have been beneficial for readers to understand all aspects related to this topic.