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Article summary:

1. More than half of the provinces have identified the development of future industries as a priority in their work plans.

2. Future industries are based on cutting-edge scientific and technological innovations, and are characterized by new technologies, new demands, new energy sources, and new opportunities.

3. Governments at all levels are increasing their support for future industries to gain an advantage in global competition.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the current state of future industry development in China. It provides a comprehensive overview of the various initiatives taken by different provinces to develop future industries, as well as the central government's efforts to promote them. The article also provides a clear definition of what constitutes a "future industry" and outlines its key characteristics.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when reading this article. For example, it does not explore any potential risks associated with developing these industries or any counterarguments that may exist against them. Additionally, it does not provide any evidence for the claims made about the success of these initiatives or their potential impact on economic growth or global competition. Furthermore, while it mentions some of the challenges associated with developing these industries (e.g., solving "bottleneck" problems), it does not provide any details on how these challenges can be addressed or overcome. Finally, while it mentions some of the government's efforts to promote future industry development (e.g., providing policy and financial support), it does not provide any information on how effective these measures have been or whether they have had any tangible results yet.