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Article summary:

1. A call for papers has been announced for a special issue on "Blockchain and Public Governance" to be published in the International Journal of Public Sector Management.

2. The special issue seeks to explore the ways in which blockchain technology is being used, or could be used, in the realm of public governance, including applications in voting systems, supply chain management, public record-keeping, and citizen engagement.

3. The special issue is open to papers that address the adoption and use of blockchain technology in the public sector, with topics including implementation challenges, trade-offs at the design level of governance, leadership skills and competencies required for adoption and use, and change processes that public organizations go through as they adopt blockchain.

Article analysis:

The article announces a call for papers for a special issue on "Blockchain and Public Governance" to be published in the International Journal of Public Sector Management. The article highlights the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize public governance by offering new possibilities for transparency, accountability, and trust. However, the actual implementation of blockchain in the public sector remains limited.

The article seeks to explore the ways in which blockchain technology is being used or could be used in public governance, including applications in voting systems, supply chain management, public record-keeping, and citizen engagement. The special issue will focus on understanding the implications of this technology on public governance/management, trust and public value systems, and the formation of citizen-centric and decentralized systems in public governance.

The article invites papers that explore the motivation, impeding and facilitating factors, trade-off conditions, leadership competencies and skills in adopting and implementing blockchain solutions in public governance. It also encourages researchers to take up organizational change as an issue since blockchain implementation is subject to it.

The article is unbiased as it presents a call for papers without any promotional content or one-sided reporting. However, it may have some potential biases as it only focuses on exploring the positive implications of blockchain technology on public governance/management while ignoring its possible negative effects.

The article does not provide evidence for its claims about the potential benefits of using blockchain technology in public governance/management. It also does not explore counterarguments against using this technology or possible risks associated with its implementation.

In conclusion, while the article provides valuable information about a call for papers on "Blockchain and Public Governance," it lacks evidence to support its claims about the potential benefits of using this technology. It also ignores possible counterarguments against using blockchain technology or risks associated with its implementation.