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Article summary:

1. 79% of consumers have heard of the term “metaverse”, with 51% knowing something about it.

2. Consumers are interested in experiencing real life things in a virtual world, such as traveling, attending concerts and sporting events, and shopping.

3. The metaverse is also being explored as a potential solution for the future of education and work, with 53% wanting to experience attending a virtual classroom and 52% wanting to work/attend meetings with colleagues in the metaverse.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its use of sources from Big Village Insights, Cassandra (Big Village's insights and strategy group), and MarTech Interview with John Payne (CEO of Croquet). These sources provide evidence for the claims made throughout the article. Additionally, the article does not appear to be biased or one-sided; it presents both sides equally by exploring both the pros and cons of using the metaverse.

However, there are some areas where more evidence could be provided or points of consideration could be explored further. For example, when discussing how people are clinging to online experiences they had during the pandemic, there is no evidence provided for this claim or any discussion on why this might be happening. Additionally, when discussing how companies can build comradery in a hybrid working model there is no mention of other potential solutions besides using the metaverse.

In conclusion, while generally reliable and trustworthy overall, there are some areas where more evidence could be provided or points of consideration could be explored further in order to make it even more reliable and trustworthy.