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Article summary:

1. On-demand radio consumption is becoming increasingly popular, with listeners enjoying the flexibility and control it offers.

2. The diversity of online radio offerings encourages frequent consumption of more varied content.

3. Radio's entry into the digital medium offers interactivity, demassification, and asynchroneity, expanding its distribution and helping it maintain its role as a relevant medium of influence.

Article analysis:

The article "Radio on demand: New habits of consuming radio content" by Tal Laor provides an insightful analysis of the changes in radio listening habits due to the emergence of on-demand radio. The author highlights the benefits of digital media for radio stations, including extended listening range, interactivity, and customisation options. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration in the article.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article's focus on the benefits of digital media for radio stations without exploring its potential risks. For example, there is no discussion about how digital media may affect traditional radio broadcasting or how it may impact audience engagement with radio content. Additionally, while the article mentions that US radio stations are slow to create original digital content on their websites, it does not provide any explanation for this phenomenon.

The article also makes unsupported claims about the impact of on-demand consumption on listener satisfaction and diversity of content. While it is true that listeners have more control over what they listen to with on-demand services, there is no evidence presented to support the claim that this leads to higher satisfaction rates or more diverse content consumption.

Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration regarding how different demographics may engage with on-demand radio differently. For example, older listeners who are less tech-savvy may not be as likely to use on-demand services as younger listeners. The article also does not explore counterarguments against its claims about the benefits of digital media for radio stations.

Overall, while "Radio on demand: New habits of consuming radio content" provides valuable insights into changes in radio listening habits due to digital media, it could benefit from a more balanced approach that considers both the benefits and risks associated with these changes.