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Article summary:

1. This article reviews the inputs and outputs of mercury from terrestrial watersheds, including sources, processes, and trophic transfer.

2. It examines the spatial distribution and source identification of heavy metals in European mountain beech forests soils, as well as the roles of moss layers in mediating tree seedling environmental stress, mercury exposure, and regeneration in high-elevation conifer forests.

3. The article also looks at climate change and mercury in the Arctic, melting Himalayas and mercury export, land cover effects on ecoregion-scale spatial patterns of mercury contamination of largemouth bass in the southeastern United States, Peru's health hazards due to mercury pollution, and more.

Article analysis:

This article provides a comprehensive review of inputs and outputs of mercury from terrestrial watersheds. The article is well-researched with numerous citations to support its claims. It covers a wide range of topics related to mercury contamination in various ecosystems such as urban tropical estuaries, boreal rivers in Northern Québec, European mountain beech forests soils, high-elevation conifer forests, Peruvian watersheds, Swiss and Chinese boreal forests, Rongbuk Glacier on Mt. Everest, large boreal rivers linked to water and wetland coverage in the watersheds, aquatic ecosystems across the globe inferred from a global dataset, subalpine grassland of northern Tibet Plateau etc., making it an exhaustive review on this topic.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; instead it presents both sides equally by exploring counterarguments for each claim made throughout the text. Furthermore there are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration that could lead to partiality or promotional content within the text. All possible risks associated with mercury contamination are noted throughout the text which makes it reliable for readers looking for information on this topic.