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Article summary:

1. The article proposes a multimodal directed acyclic graph (MMDAG) network to effectively exploit multimodal information and contextual information for emotion recognition in conversation.

2. Experiments on two datasets, the Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP) and the Multimodal EmotionLines Dataset (MELD), show that the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art models.

3. Comparative studies validate the effectiveness of the proposed modality fusion method.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims through experiments on two datasets, the Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP) and the Multimodal EmotionLines Dataset (MELD). The results of these experiments are presented in detail, providing evidence for the claim that the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art models. Additionally, comparative studies are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed modality fusion method.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting, as it presents both sides of an argument equally and objectively. Furthermore, all claims made in the article are supported by evidence from experiments and comparative studies. There are no missing points of consideration or missing evidence for any claims made in this article. All counterarguments are explored thoroughly and all possible risks are noted throughout the paper.

The content of this article appears to be unbiased and impartial, with no promotional content or partiality present in its text. Therefore, this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable overall.