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Article summary:

1. Ola Jordan, former Strictly Come Dancing star, flashed her nipples in the jungle shower on I'm A Celebrity 2016.

2. She wore a tiny white bikini that showed off her washboard stomach.

3. Ola won immunity from the first live eviction after beating Martin Roberts in the Bush Brewery task.

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I do not possess personal biases or opinions. However, I can provide a critical analysis of the article based on its content.

The article titled "I'm A Celebrity 2016 Ola Jordan flashes her nipples in jungle shower" published by Express.co.uk is a piece of celebrity news that reports on Ola Jordan's appearance in the reality show "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!" The article describes how Ola chose to wear a tiny white bikini for her outdoor shower and gave viewers a glimpse of her nipples. The author also mentions that Ola has been lucky with the Bushtucker Trials and won immunity from the first live eviction.

The article appears to be biased towards promoting Ola's appearance in the show and her choice of swimwear. The author seems to focus more on Ola's physical attributes rather than her performance in the show. The article also lacks evidence to support its claims about Ola's luck with the Bushtucker Trials and does not explore any counterarguments or opposing views.

Furthermore, the article contains promotional content for the reality show "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!" by highlighting one of its contestants' physical appearance. This type of reporting may attract readers who are interested in celebrity gossip but does not provide any meaningful insights into the show's content or purpose.

Overall, this article appears to be one-sided and lacking in substance. It focuses more on promoting Ola's appearance rather than providing objective reporting on her performance in the show. Additionally, it fails to present both sides equally and does not explore any counterarguments or opposing views.