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Article summary:

1. Smart charging systems can be used to optimize the charging process towards various objectives, such as technical, financial, and socio-environmental goals.

2. A literature review and expert survey were conducted to investigate the most promising applications for smart charging and the incentive factors that motivate BEV drivers to use them.

3. The results show that cost savings and integration of renewable energies are rated highest on both scales in terms of technical correctness and persuasiveness towards end users.

Article analysis:

The article “Quo Vadis Smart Charging? A Literature Review and Expert Survey on Technical Potentials and User Acceptance of Smart Charging Systems” is a comprehensive overview of the current state of smart charging systems. The authors provide an extensive review of the technology involved in battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and their suitability for smart charging, as well as a structured literature review based on the methodology of Webster and Watson [10] to answer research questions related to the objectives of charging system operators present in academic literature, as well as promising incentive factors to motivate BEV drivers to use smart charging systems. Furthermore, an expert survey was conducted to validate the literature review results and answer a third research question regarding whether or not the most promising objectives of smart charging system operators fit with the BEV driver’s motivation to use such systems.

The article is generally reliable in its reporting; however, there are some potential biases that should be noted. First, it should be noted that this article focuses primarily on BEVs rather than other types of electric vehicles (EVs). This could lead to a bias in favor of BEVs over other types of EVs when discussing potential applications for smart charging systems. Additionally, while the authors do discuss potential risks associated with using lithium-ion batteries for EV propulsion energy storage, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative solutions that could mitigate these risks. Finally, it should also be noted that this article does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses primarily on promoting the benefits associated with using smart charging systems without providing much discussion about any potential drawbacks or challenges associated with their implementation.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of current state of smart charging systems; however, there are some potential biases that should be taken into consideration when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.