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Source: yuque.antfin-inc.com
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Article summary:

1. Integrates Zhima Credit risk control and user recall capabilities to provide users with preferential treatment and complete merchant tasks for high ROI and low cost.

2. Typical scenario: Users can enjoy a 10 yuan coupon in the store, requiring them to complete a 100 yuan shopping task within 7 days. If the task is completed, the user will get a free 10 yuan coupon.

3. The article provides an example of how merchants can use Zhima GO to optimize their marketing strategies.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable as it provides an example of how merchants can use Zhima GO to optimize their marketing strategies, which is supported by evidence from the article itself. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For instance, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally; instead, it focuses solely on the benefits of using Zhima GO for merchants without considering any potential risks or drawbacks associated with its use. Additionally, there is no mention of any research or studies that have been conducted to support the claims made in the article, which could lead readers to question its accuracy and validity. Furthermore, there is a lack of detail regarding how exactly Zhima GO works and what features it offers; this could lead readers to assume that it is more effective than it actually is in practice. Finally, there may be promotional content included in the article which could influence readers’ opinions about Zhima GO without providing any factual information about its effectiveness or reliability.