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Source: platform.openai.com
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Article summary:

1. OpenAI's services are not available in certain countries.

2. Users must verify their phone number to access OpenAI's services.

3. No other information is provided about OpenAI's API.

Article analysis:

The article does not provide enough information to assess the trustworthiness and reliability of the content. The article does not provide any evidence or sources for its claims, nor does it explore any counterarguments or present both sides of the issue equally. Additionally, there is no mention of potential risks associated with using OpenAI's API, which could be a cause for concern for users. Furthermore, the article appears to be promotional in nature, as it only mentions the positive aspects of OpenAI's API without providing any critical analysis or exploring any potential drawbacks. As such, it is difficult to determine whether this article can be trusted as an accurate source of information on OpenAI's API.