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Article summary:

1. The 2020-2022 period of the global COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fact that many countries health systems had inadequate health workforce availability.

2. This review article discusses health workforce governance and planning, notes its weaknesses, and identifies some of the barriers to the implementation of health workforce policy making and planning and the achievement of sustainable health workforces.

3. The article concludes by offering the approach of backcasting to overcome this dichotomy between long-term health workforce planning and short-term political decision-making processes.

Article analysis:

The article “Are Sustainable Health Workforces Possible? Issues and a Possible Remedy” is an informative review article that provides an overview of the challenges associated with achieving sustainable health workforces in light of the 2020–2022 period of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The authors provide a comprehensive discussion on health workforce governance and planning, noting its weaknesses, as well as identifying some of the barriers to implementing effective policy making and planning for achieving sustainable health workforces. The authors also offer a possible remedy in terms of backcasting to bridge the gap between long-term health workforce planning and short-term political decision-making processes.

The article is generally reliable in terms of its content, as it is based on evidence from relevant sources such as WHO Regional Office for Europe, Institute for Global Health at University College London, Innovations and Reforms Center in Tbilisi, Georgia, etc., which are all reputable organizations with expertise in this field. Furthermore, all claims made by the authors are supported by evidence from these sources or other relevant studies cited throughout the text. Additionally, there is no promotional content or partiality present in this article; instead it presents both sides equally while also noting potential risks associated with certain approaches discussed throughout.

In terms of trustworthiness however, there are some areas where improvement could be made. For example, while counterarguments are mentioned throughout the text they are not explored in depth which could lead to readers forming one sided opinions on certain topics discussed within this article. Additionally, there are some points that could have been considered but were not included such as exploring alternative solutions to backcasting or discussing how different countries have responded differently to similar issues related to healthcare delivery during COVID-19 pandemic which could have provided further insight into how best to achieve sustainable health workforces going forward.