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Article summary:

1. This study develops a framework for debating the constituent elements in sport environmental sustainability (sport-ES).

2. The framework includes key questions for debate on topics such as the definition of sport-ES, constraints within the natural environment, and actions aimed at conserving the natural environment.

3. The authors hope to generate energetic debate among sporting scholars, students, and practitioners to determine the extent of the debate and strategies for managing arising paradoxes.

Article analysis:

The article titled "A framework for debating the future of environmental sustainability in the sport academy" presents a framework for discussing environmental sustainability in the context of sports. While the topic is important and relevant, there are several issues with the article that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article lacks clarity and coherence. The abstract is poorly written and does not provide a clear overview of the study. It includes multiple citations without proper explanation or integration into the text. This makes it difficult for readers to understand the purpose and scope of the research.

Secondly, there is a lack of evidence and support for many of the claims made in the article. The authors mention various environmental challenges but do not provide specific examples or data to back up their statements. For instance, they mention pollution in oceans and climate change impacts on skiing, but fail to provide any evidence or sources to support these claims.

Additionally, there is a bias towards promoting environmental sustainability without considering potential trade-offs or alternative perspectives. The authors present a vision for the future without acknowledging potential risks or challenges associated with implementing their proposed strategies. They also fail to explore counterarguments or alternative viewpoints that may exist within the field.

Furthermore, there is a lack of critical analysis and discussion of potential limitations or constraints within the framework proposed by the authors. They present eight key questions for debate but do not address how these questions can be effectively answered or what factors should be considered when evaluating them.

Moreover, there is a promotional tone throughout the article, with an emphasis on generating debate among scholars and practitioners in sports management. While this may be a valid goal, it detracts from the objective analysis of environmental sustainability in sports.

Overall, this article falls short in providing a comprehensive and balanced analysis of environmental sustainability in sports. It lacks clarity, evidence, critical analysis, and fails to consider alternative perspectives or potential limitations.