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Article summary:

1. This article discusses the use of structural tolerance factor ( ) to improve the nonlinear optical (NLO) performance of a new sulfide, Na2Ba[Na2Sn2S7] (1).

2. The authors found that 1 exhibits a large band gap (Eg) of 3.42 eV and excellent NLO properties, making it the best performing Hg- or As-free sulfide to date.

3. The authors also discuss the relationships between chemical composition, crystal structure, and NLO properties in order to better balance Eg and SHG in 1.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the research conducted by the authors and their findings. The authors have provided evidence for their claims through data from experiments they conducted, which adds credibility to their work. Additionally, they have discussed potential risks associated with their research such as laser-induced damage threshold, which shows that they are aware of possible dangers associated with their work. Furthermore, the authors have provided references for further reading on related topics which adds to the credibility of this article. However, there is some potential bias in this article as it only presents one side of the argument without exploring any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this topic. Additionally, some of the claims made by the authors may be unsupported or missing evidence which could weaken their argument.