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Article summary:

1. The Writers Guild of America (WGA) is demanding that AI be regulated so it cannot write or rewrite literary material, be used as source material, or use writers' work to train AI.

2. The WGA strike over AI is the most high-profile labor battle yet to address concerns about the technology's impact on jobs.

3. Other industries, including digital artists, musicians, engineers, real estate professionals, and customer service workers will also feel the impact of generative AI.

Article analysis:

The CNN Business article "TV and film writers are fighting to save their jobs from AI. They won't be the last" discusses the concerns of screenwriters about the impact of AI on their work and how they are fighting to protect their livelihoods. The article highlights the recent strike by the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and their demands for regulations around AI, including not allowing it to write or rewrite literary material and not using writers' work to train AI.

The article provides insights into the potential biases of both sides in this labor battle. On one hand, screenwriters may be concerned about losing their jobs to AI, but on the other hand, studios may see it as a cost-cutting measure. The article also notes that there are concerns around intellectual property when it comes to AI-generated scripts.

However, the article does not explore counterarguments or provide evidence for some of its claims. For example, while it mentions that large language models can generate essays and song lyrics in response to user prompts, it does not provide any examples or evidence of this happening in practice. Additionally, while it notes that white-collar workers are expected to be most affected by automation, it does not provide any evidence for this claim.

The article also seems to present a one-sided view of the issue, with most quotes coming from screenwriters or experts who support their cause. While it briefly mentions AMPTP's response to WGA's proposal, it does not provide any further insights into their perspective on the issue.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into the concerns of screenwriters about AI and its potential impact on their jobs, it could benefit from exploring counterarguments and providing more evidence for some of its claims.