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Article summary:

1. Research in traffic flow theory has been hindered by the lack of comprehensive data.

2. The recent acquisition of microscopic traffic data through the Next Generation SIMulation program (NGSIM) has enabled validation of models at both the microscopic and macroscopic levels.

3. NGSIM data have allowed establishing a link between individual driving behaviors and traffic phenomena, as well as validating microscopic traffic flow theories at the macroscopic level.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, providing an overview of research in traffic flow theory and how it has been encumbered by inadequate data until recently. It also provides a detailed description of how the availability of vehicle trajectories from the Next Generation SIMulation program (NGSIM) has enabled validation of models at both the microscopic and macroscopic levels, as well as establishing a link between individual driving behaviors and traffic phenomena. The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided, presenting both sides equally with no promotional content or partiality. It also notes potential risks associated with using NGSIM data due to their limited accuracy, which could corrupt vehicle dynamics and resulting distributions of kinematic quantities. However, there are some missing points of consideration that should be explored further such as potential sources for measurement errors in NGSIM datasets, counterarguments to the claims made in the article, and evidence for these claims that could be provided to strengthen its reliability.