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Article summary:

1. The 65th Grammys were full of surprises, tributes, and historic wins. Harry Styles won album of the year, which was widely seen as a chance for Beyoncé to win the top honor.

2. Styles' acceptance speech drew criticism from some who thought Beyoncé should have won. His words were interpreted as an example of white privilege.

3. Beyoncé has been nominated in prestigious categories across her career but has only won once for “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It).” The Recording Academy is undergoing a campaign to diversify its membership and voting process.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the events that occurred at the 65th Grammy Awards, including the surprise win by Harry Styles for Album of the Year over Beyoncé, and the subsequent criticism of his acceptance speech by some who felt she should have won instead. The article provides a detailed overview of what happened at the awards show, how it has been perceived, who picks the Grammys’ top honors, why people are mad at Styles’ words, Beyoncé's Grammy history, and who decides Album of the Year.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it presents both sides fairly and objectively without taking sides or making unsupported claims. It also does not appear to be promotional content or partiality towards any particular artist or group; rather it simply reports on what happened at the awards show without attempting to influence readers' opinions or decisions about who should have won Album of the Year. Additionally, possible risks are noted in that Black women have not won Album of the Year since Lauryn Hill in 1999 and that there is an ongoing campaign to diversify both membership and voting processes within The Recording Academy.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not explore counterarguments or present both sides equally; while it does provide insight into why people are mad at Styles’ words and why they feel he should not have won over Beyoncé, there is no mention of any arguments in favor of his win or why he may have deserved it more than her. This could be seen as a missed opportunity to provide readers with a more balanced view on this controversial topic.