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Article summary:

1. Global networks can have different topologies, including point-to-point, ring, star, fully and partially cellular, and multi-level WANs.

2. Point-to-point topology is simple but has low resistance to failures and limited expansion possibilities.

3. Multi-level WANs are easily expandable and more reliable due to the use of hubs connected in a cascade, but overloading individual lines can be a problem.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the different topologies used in global networks. However, it is important to note that the article may have some biases towards certain topologies and does not provide a balanced view of all the options available.

For example, the article highlights the disadvantages of point-to-point topology, such as its low resistance to failures and limited expansion possibilities. While these are valid concerns, the article does not mention any potential benefits of this topology, such as its simplicity and cost-effectiveness for small networks.

Similarly, while the article recommends ring topology for global networks with increased reliability requirements, it fails to mention any potential drawbacks of this topology. For instance, if one node in the ring fails, it can disrupt communication throughout the entire network.

Furthermore, the article promotes multi-level WANs as an easily expandable and reliable option for large networks. However, it does not address any potential risks associated with this topology, such as overloading individual lines or security vulnerabilities due to multiple layers of hubs-routers.

Overall, while the article provides useful information on different topologies used in global networks, readers should be aware of its potential biases towards certain options and consider other factors beyond those mentioned in the article when making decisions about network topology.