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Article summary:

1. A survey by the Anti-Defamation League found that online harassment has increased to 35% for American minority groups, with a 3% increase from 2018.

2. The study revealed that religion-based harassment has doubled from 11% in 2018 to 22% in 2020.

3. Facebook is the platform where the majority (77%) of online harassment occurs, followed by Twitter (27%), YouTube (18%), Instagram (17%), and WhatsApp (6%).

Article analysis:

The article titled "Online harassment increases to 35% for American minority groups" discusses the findings of a survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on the prevalence of online harassment in the United States. While the topic is important and timely, there are several aspects of the article that warrant critical analysis.

Firstly, it is crucial to examine the potential biases and sources of bias in the article. The primary source cited is a study conducted by the ADL, an organization dedicated to combating hate speech and discrimination. While their expertise in this area is valuable, it is important to consider whether their mission may introduce bias into their research and subsequent reporting. Additionally, no information is provided about the methodology or sample size of the survey, which raises questions about its reliability and generalizability.

The article also presents unsupported claims without providing evidence or context. For example, it states that online harassment is becoming more severe without offering any data or examples to support this assertion. Similarly, it suggests that if the survey were conducted now, the results would be even more alarming due to recent events such as the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's death. However, no explanation or evidence is provided for why these events would necessarily lead to increased online harassment.

Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration in the article. It focuses primarily on racial, religious, and sexual identity-based harassment but does not explore other forms of online harassment such as political or ideological targeting. This narrow focus limits our understanding of the broader landscape of online harassment.

The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. It presents Facebook as a platform facing increasing criticism for its failure to address harassment but does not provide any opposing viewpoints or explanations for Facebook's actions or policies.

Additionally, there are elements of promotional content in the article. It highlights companies that have suspended advertising on Facebook as part of a campaign led by ADL and others called #StopHateforProfit. While this information is relevant to the topic, it could be seen as promoting the campaign rather than providing a balanced analysis of the issue.

The article also does not present both sides equally. It includes statements from Facebook defending its efforts to combat hate speech but does not provide an in-depth exploration of their policies or actions. This one-sided reporting limits the reader's ability to form a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

In terms of potential risks, the article briefly mentions that online harassment can include sexual harassment, stalking, physical threats, and sustained harassment. However, it does not delve into the potential psychological and emotional impacts on individuals who experience online harassment. This omission overlooks an important aspect of the issue.

Overall, while the article raises awareness about online harassment and its impact on minority groups in the United States, it falls short in providing a critical analysis of the topic. It lacks sufficient evidence for its claims, explores only one side of the issue, and presents promotional content without offering a balanced perspective. A more comprehensive and unbiased examination would have provided a more nuanced understanding of online harassment and its implications.