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Article summary:

1. Communicative DDL is an approach that combines principles from communicative language teaching and data-driven learning, utilizing curated concordance lines to improve L2 communication skills.

2. The approach was tested in a two-year action-research-based trial with a monolingual class at a Japanese university, resulting in increased fluency and accuracy, as well as improvements to speaking confidence and complexity.

3. Challenges remain in relation to the effectiveness of learner training and the preparation of suitable concordance lines, but the potential benefits of communicative DDL are clear for improving students' language skills.

Article analysis:

The article "Communicative data-driven learning: a two-year pilot study" presents an approach to utilizing corpora in language teaching, combining principles from communicative language teaching and data-driven learning. The authors argue that this approach can help overcome the challenges of traditional English language education in Japan, which tends to focus on lexical and grammatical accuracy at the expense of verbal fluency and confidence.

The article provides a detailed explanation of data-driven learning (DDL) and its potential benefits for language learners. However, it also acknowledges the challenges of implementing DDL in the classroom, such as the difficulty of interpreting concordance lines and the lack of frameworks for learner training. The authors propose a solution to these challenges by combining curated concordance line analyses with practical communicative exercises inspired by CLT.

The article reports on a two-year action research study conducted at a Japanese university, where this approach was implemented in English communication courses. The results suggest that students who participated in the courses increased their fluency and accuracy, as well as their speaking confidence and complexity.

Overall, the article presents a compelling argument for using communicative DDL as an alternative approach to traditional English language education. However, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider. For example, the study only involved lower-intermediate proficiency students at one university in Japan, so it is unclear whether this approach would be effective for other contexts or proficiency levels.

Additionally, while the article acknowledges some of the challenges of implementing DDL in the classroom, it does not fully explore potential risks or drawbacks associated with this approach. For example, relying too heavily on corpus-based analysis could lead to overgeneralization or oversimplification of language use.

Despite these limitations, the article provides valuable insights into how corpora can be used to enhance language teaching and learning. It also highlights the importance of combining different approaches to address complex challenges in education.