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Article summary:

1. Geoffrey Hinton, one of the "godfathers" of AI, quit his role as vice-president and engineering fellow at Google to speak more freely about his growing fears about the risks of AI to humanity.

2. Hinton voiced concerns that the race between Microsoft and Google would push forward the development of AI without appropriate guardrails and regulations in place.

3. Hinton acknowledged fears about the rapid development of AI, which could result in misinformation flooding the public sphere and AI usurping more human jobs than predicted.

Article analysis:

The Financial Times article titled "Why AI’s ‘godfather’ Geoffrey Hinton quit Google to speak out on risks" provides an insightful look into the concerns of one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence, Geoffrey Hinton. The article highlights Hinton's decision to resign from his role as vice-president and engineering fellow at Google so that he could speak more freely about his growing fears about the risks of AI to humanity.

The article presents a balanced view of Hinton's concerns, highlighting both the potential benefits and risks associated with AI. It notes that Hinton is revered as one of the “godfathers” of AI because of his formative work on deep learning, which has driven the huge advances taking place in the sector. However, it also acknowledges his concerns that the rapid development of AI could result in misinformation flooding the public sphere and AI usurping more human jobs than predicted.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on Hinton's perspective without exploring counterarguments or presenting both sides equally. While it is important to highlight Hinton's concerns, it would have been useful to include perspectives from other experts who may have a different view on the risks associated with AI.

Another potential bias is that the article focuses primarily on Hinton's ethical objections to working with the US military and his concerns about capitalism driving forward AI development without appropriate guardrails and regulations in place. While these are important issues, there are other potential risks associated with AI that are not explored in depth in this article.

Overall, while this article provides valuable insights into one expert's perspective on the risks associated with AI, it would benefit from a more balanced approach that explores counterarguments and presents both sides equally.