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Article summary:

1. The polyglutamine motif at the Clock locus is highly conserved in various organisms, but is not polymorphic in humans.

2. An analysis of 190 unrelated individuals revealed that the repeat, which consisted of 6 CAG triplets, was not polymorphic in humans.

3. The variation in repeat number is probably deleterious to the individual, resulting in the maintenance of a short and invariable repeat structure in the human population.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of research on the polyglutamine motif at the Clock locus and its potential role in neuro-psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The article is well-written and provides a comprehensive review of existing literature on this topic. It also presents data from a study conducted by Saleem et al., which analyzed 190 unrelated individuals for polymorphism status at the Clock locus.

The article does not present any evidence to support its claims about the potential role of this gene in neuro-psychiatric disorders, nor does it provide any counterarguments or alternative explanations for its findings. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with this gene or its variants, nor is there any mention of potential biases or sources of error that could have affected the results of Saleem et al.'s study. Furthermore, while the article does provide some information about other studies related to this topic, it does not explore these studies in depth or discuss their implications for understanding this gene's role in neuro-psychiatric disorders.

In conclusion, while this article provides an informative overview of research on the polyglutamine motif at the Clock locus and its potential role in neuro-psychiatric disorders, it lacks sufficient evidence to support its claims and fails to explore alternative explanations or discuss potential risks associated with this gene or its variants.