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Article summary:

1. ChatGPT is a hit, with people using it for code generation and legal defense.

2. The author has spent time experimenting with ChatGPT and researching the technology behind it.

3. The author argues that while there are interesting potential use cases for ChatGPT, its current capabilities and future prospects are being overestimated.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in terms of its content, as the author provides a detailed overview of their research into ChatGPT and the technology behind it. They provide evidence to support their claims, such as citing GitHub’s Copilot product which uses similar technology, and noting that Microsoft gave OpenAI ten billion dollars. However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. For example, the author expresses their initial dislike of ChatGPT when they first saw it, which could lead to them presenting an overly negative view of the technology throughout the article. Additionally, they present examples of ChatGPT’s weaknesses but do not provide any examples of its strengths or successes; this could lead readers to form an overly negative opinion of the technology without considering all sides equally. Furthermore, while they note that GPT-3 passing a bar exam does not necessarily mean that it is capable of doing so reliably or accurately, they do not explore this point further or consider any counterarguments; this could lead readers to form an incomplete understanding of what GPT-3’s success on a bar exam actually means in terms of its capabilities and reliability. Finally, while they mention possible risks associated with ChatGPT such as censorship and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), these points are not explored in detail; this could lead readers to underestimate the potential risks associated with using such technologies.