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Article summary:

1. The legend of Mulan, a young girl who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army, has been popular in Chinese culture since the Tang Dynasty.

2. The story's popularity may stem from its handling of gender by linking Mulan's actions with the established virtue of filial piety and questioning societal roles.

3. The legend of Mulan explores personal identity and the idea that what defines an individual is self-knowledge and self-acceptance expressed through action, not social paradigms based on gender.

Article analysis:

The article "Gender & Identity in Mulan: Text & Commentary" provides a detailed analysis of the legend of Mulan and its various adaptations throughout history. The author explores the cultural context in which the story was created and how it has been received by audiences over time.

One potential bias in the article is that it assumes that the legend of Mulan was not widely accepted in Chinese society due to its cross-dressing protagonist, despite evidence to the contrary. The author acknowledges that eunuchs and performers sometimes cross-dressed, but suggests that this was not widely respected. However, it is possible that attitudes towards gender identity were more complex than the author suggests, and that there were pockets of society where cross-dressing was more accepted.

The article also makes unsupported claims about why the legend of Mulan became popular despite societal norms against women's rights and gender-fluidity. While the author suggests that the story appealed to audiences because it linked Mulan's actions with filial piety, this is just one possible explanation among many. The article could benefit from exploring other factors that may have contributed to the story's popularity.

Additionally, while the article provides a thorough analysis of various versions of the legend of Mulan, it does not explore counterarguments or alternative interpretations in depth. For example, while scholars Kwa Shiamin and Wilt L. Idema suggest that the story's popularity stems from what it suggests concerning societal roles and questioning one's role in life, this perspective is not fully explored or challenged.

Overall, while "Gender & Identity in Mulan: Text & Commentary" provides a comprehensive overview of the legend of Mulan and its adaptations over time, it could benefit from more nuanced exploration of potential biases and alternative perspectives.