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Article summary:

1. Isocyanate Terminated Polysiloxane (ITPSI) was prepared and used as a crease resistant finishing agent for silk fabric.

2. The optimal conditions of the finishing process were determined to be a dosage of 60 g/l, baking temperature of 150 °C, and baking time of 3 min.

3. The finished silk fabric had good crease resistant properties and washability, with no apparent effects on tensile strength or whiteness.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the research conducted on the preparation and application of Isocyanate Terminated Polysiloxane (ITPSI) as a crease resistant finishing agent for silk fabric. The authors provide detailed information about the materials used in their experiment, as well as the results they obtained from their tests. They also provide references to other relevant studies that have been conducted in this field, which adds to the credibility of their work.

The article does not appear to contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular product or method; instead it provides an unbiased overview of the research conducted by the authors and its potential applications in industry. Furthermore, possible risks associated with using ITPSI are noted throughout the article, such as potential damage to tensile strength or whiteness when using this finishing agent on silk fabrics.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not present both sides equally; while it does mention some potential risks associated with using ITPSI, there is no discussion about any potential benefits that could be gained from using this finishing agent on silk fabrics. This could be addressed by including more information about how ITPSI compares to other crease resistant agents currently available on the market, such as epoxy modified polysiloxane (EMPSI).