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Article summary:

1. Fingerprint verification is a reliable and secure method of identification on smartphones.

2. An application called "Closet" has been developed to collect fingerprints from different individuals, with one main fingerprint giving full access to the device and other fingerprints hiding private information.

3. The use of fingerprint verification on mobile devices is widespread and this application can provide added security for users' information.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Smartphones Verification and Identification by the Use of Fingerprint" discusses the use of fingerprints as a form of identification on smartphones. The authors argue that using fingerprints is authentic, accurate, and reliable for securing personal information on Android phones. They also introduce an application called "Closet," which collects fingerprints from different individuals to give access to the device but makes one fingerprint the main one that gives full access to all applications, documents, pictures, videos, phone call logs, and messages.

The article presents some potential biases in favor of using fingerprints as a form of identification. While it is true that fingerprints are unique and difficult to replicate, there are concerns about privacy and security when using biometric data for authentication. For example, if someone gains access to your fingerprint data, they can potentially use it to unlock your phone without your consent.

The article also lacks evidence for some of its claims. For instance, while the authors state that using fingerprints is authentic and reliable for securing personal information on Android phones, they do not provide any empirical evidence or studies to support this claim.

Moreover, the article does not explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with using biometric data for authentication. For example, what happens if someone loses their finger or has a medical condition that affects their fingerprint? How secure is the storage of fingerprint data on smartphones?

Additionally, the article seems promotional in nature since it introduces an application called "Closet" without providing any critical evaluation or comparison with other similar applications available in the market.

In conclusion, while the article provides some useful insights into using fingerprints as a form of identification on smartphones and introduces an interesting application called "Closet," it lacks critical evaluation and exploration of potential risks associated with biometric authentication. Therefore, readers should approach this article with caution and seek additional sources before making any decisions regarding their smartphone security.