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Article summary:

1. A tiny but potentially deadly radioactive capsule has been found in WA’s outback after a frantic search and unprecedented public health warning.

2. It was found 74km south of Newman on the Great Northern Highway by a team from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

3. The capsule had been lost between January 11 and January 16, while being transported from a Rio Tinto mine to Perth, prompting an emergency warning over a 1,400km stretch of Western Australia.

Article analysis:

The article “Missing radioactive capsule found in WA outback after frantic search - ABC News” is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides accurate information about the incident, including details about the location where it was found, how it was discovered, its potential risks, and the investigation that will be conducted into its mishandling. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted.

First, there is a lack of exploration into counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue. For example, while Rio Tinto has been praised for their cooperation with authorities during this incident, there is no mention of any criticism or questions raised about their handling of the situation or their responsibility for it occurring in the first place. Additionally, while Stephen Dawson states that they may look into prosecutions under the Radiation Safety Act if necessary, there is no discussion of what those penalties might be or whether they are sufficient to deter similar incidents from occurring in future.

Second, there is also some promotional content in the article which could be seen as biased towards Rio Tinto. For example, Simon Trott's statement that he would be “happy to reimburse” costs associated with searching for the capsule could be seen as an attempt to deflect criticism away from his company rather than an earnest offer to help cover expenses incurred by authorities during this incident.

Finally, while Stephen Dawson does mention that they are looking at updating relevant acts to increase penalties for mishandling radioactive material in such a manner, he does not provide any further details about what those changes might entail or when they might come into effect. This lack of detail could lead readers to believe that nothing will change despite this incident highlighting potential weaknesses in current regulations surrounding radioactive materials transportation and storage.

In conclusion, while overall this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its accurate reporting on key facts related to this incident, there are some potential biases which should be taken into consideration when assessing its trustworthiness and reliability.