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Article summary:

1. Metadiscourse is the language used to help others interpret, evaluate, and react to propositional information in ways that we intend.

2. There are different conceptions of metadiscourse, ranging from a narrow focus on text-organizing features to a broad view that includes features referring to the writer and imagined reader of the text.

3. Metadiscourse has been studied across various genres and languages, with a particular focus on academic discourse, but also including professional discourses such as job postings and company annual reports.

Article analysis:

The article "Metadiscourse across languages and genres: An overview" by Ken Hyland and Feng (Kevin) Jiang provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of metadiscourse, its various conceptions, and its applications in different genres and languages. The authors highlight the importance of metadiscourse in shaping communication to appeal to specific audiences, offering insights into communicative contexts and participants' perceptions.

The article presents a balanced view of different conceptions of metadiscourse, ranging from broader views that include interpersonal elements to narrower views that focus on text-organizing features. However, the authors seem to favor the interpersonal model developed by Hyland as it offers a more unified and robust description of how writer/speakers manage both social relationships and the organization of their texts.

The article provides evidence for the wide geographical interest in metadiscourse research, with papers originating from 46 different countries. However, most studies focus on academic registers, particularly research articles' introductions and abstracts. The authors also highlight the role of metadiscourse in professional discourses such as job postings, company annual reports, magazine advertising, and CEO's letters.

While the article provides valuable insights into the concept of metadiscourse and its applications in different genres and languages, it has some limitations. For instance, it does not explore potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the concept's usefulness or limitations. Additionally, while it mentions studies focusing on non-English languages such as Spanish and Chinese, it does not provide sufficient evidence for how these studies contribute to our understanding of metadiscourse across languages.

Overall, "Metadiscourse across languages and genres: An overview" is a well-written article that offers valuable insights into an essential concept in applied linguistics. However, readers should be aware of potential biases towards certain conceptions or models of metadiscourse and consider exploring alternative perspectives on this topic.