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Article summary:

1. India has unveiled its Foreign Trade Policy 2023, which aims to increase outward shipments to $2 trillion by 2030 and promote e-commerce exports.

2. The policy includes a special one-time Amnesty Scheme for non-compliance in Export Obligations, recognition of exporters based on export performance, and emphasis on streamlining SCOMET licensing procedure.

3. Other key highlights include the promotion of export from districts, facilitation for e-commerce exports, and rationalization of the EPCG scheme.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of India's Foreign Trade Policy 2023, which aims to increase outward shipments to $2 trillion by 2030 and promote e-commerce exports. The policy is dynamic and responsive, without any end date, and will be updated as per the emerging global scenario. The article highlights key pillars of the policy, including incentives to remission, export promotion through collaboration, ease of doing business, reduction in transaction cost and e-initiatives, and emerging areas such as e-commerce developing districts as export hubs and streamlining SCOMET policy.

However, the article lacks critical analysis of potential biases or one-sided reporting. It does not provide evidence for some claims made, such as the estimated growth of e-commerce exports to $200-300 billion by 2030. Additionally, it does not explore counterarguments or possible risks associated with the policy.

The article also includes promotional content for the Manorama Yearbook app at the end, which seems unrelated to the topic at hand. Overall, while informative about India's Foreign Trade Policy 2023, the article could benefit from more critical analysis and balanced reporting.